Highlighting farmer’s voices

Farmers & field workers demanding change in agriculture policies!
Many farmers and field workers are already engaged in a sustainable transition process and want a change for our food and farming system. Yet, European policies often fail to support them. We demand policies that empower farmers and promote the transition to sound, sustainable farming.
With our series “Growing a better future”, including videos and testimonials that portray farmers and their needs, we want to highlight farmers’ daily work as well as their challenges, fears, hopes and visions for fair and sustainable food and farming policies!
Enjoy the look through out our gallery! If you are a farmer and would like to contribute to this growing series, contact us via info@goodfoodgoodfarming.eu!
European Commission: Listen to farmers!
Many conventional farmers have already voluntarily reduced pesticide use, despite the limited support from public authorities. By learning about their experience, more farmers across Europe can be empowered to adopt sustainable, agro-ecological farming practices. They are fed up with pesticides and this is the support they call for in order to reduce spraying:
Growing a better future: for People and Nature
The series “Growing a better future: for People and Nature” gives more visibility to the challenges and visions of farmers and field workers , especially in relation to the Farm to Fork goals and social justice aspects. The videos portray the food producers as the protagonists of change and highlights their insights for a transition towards more ecological and fair farming practices.
Growing a better future: Young farmers
The series “Growing a better future: Young farmers” portrays the visions and experiences of young farmers across Europe. The videos show concrete examples of how young people struggle to start farming but also how they are in the front line, leading the transitions towards more sustainable food systems.