The Movement
From EU and national coalitions to activists and farmers, we build a Europe-wide movement for #GoodFoodGoodFarming.
GFGF is connected with over 600 individuals and 500 organizations across 25 Member States. Leading the Good Food Good Farming movement are 14 coalitions who unite national organisations to transform our agrifood system. These coalitions broaden our network to farmers, activists, producers, and consumers within their respective countries. European organisations are also at the forefront of our work, standing alongside us to amplify the voices of local communities on the European stage.
Moving forward we want to enlarge the movement to cooks, cooperative owners, activists from other movements and citizens to join us! Because we are stronger together. So we invite everyone, individuals and organisations alike, to join this movement for positive change – your participation is crucial!

Why join us?
Join our movement to connect to an EU-wide network and in-person events, inspiring collaborative learning from each other’s experiences. You also get free access to a variety of unbranded communication materials, including informative comics, posters, stickers, videos, and more. Finally, you get the chance to further strengthen your skills through our capacity-building workshops.
Sign up now and be featured on our interactive Movement Map, showcasing your commitment to driving positive change!